Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day Four.

We made it!!! New York to California. Four days, over 3000 miles, 13 states, and about 20 stops (mainly because our bikes started making weird noises resembling "are we there YET?" We are tired but very very happy!

Monday, January 9, 2012


A little something to keep us sane after hours and hours of looking at this...

Day Three.

So far we have traveled 23 hours, stopped 10 times and visited 9 states. Last night we stayed in Oklahoma City. On my last trip across the U.S., nine years ago, a local Oklahoman gave me some advice..."Never party naked." I'd like to pass it on to you today. It's proved to be great advice. A very wise local indeed.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day Two

Seven states, 11 1/2 hours of driving and 5 stops. We'll spend most of today driving through Tennessee. Looking forward to a large glass of sweet tea! Yum.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

And We Are Off.

California or bust!