Monday, September 29, 2008

Have A Chance Walk

On Sunday, M and I got together with his parents, sister and new bro-in-law to participate in the "Have a Chance Walk to Fight Brain Tumors". We walked in support of our friend, Mike who is currently on a mission to beat his brain cancer.

It was a cloudy and rainy day. I hate to admit it but I actually said, "I'm so glad it's not sunny today". gasp! It really was nice to walk through the rain.

I was excited because the walk took us through lower Manhattan. My internal tourist came out and I couldn't resist taking a picture of this lovely lady.

A wild turkey in Battery Park. Umm...random.

Brooklyn Bridge in the distance.

The wet cobblestone street reminded me of when my sister, niece and nephew were here. We spent a lot of time puddle jumping on these streets.

Walking for this cause was an amazing experience. Seeing thousands of people supporting their loved ones and seeing brain tumor survivors, made walking through the rain all the more worthwhile.

Weekend Project

There is this thing that's been bothering me for over a year now. It's brown, dingy and it stares at me every time I enter my apartment...

It's my kitchen table.

This weekend I tackled it with a bucket of white paint and a paint brush. Here are the results.



Now I think it needs an area rug. What do you think?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

With the end of the baseball season fast approaching, M and I have been trying to squeeze in as many games as possible. Tonight we scored tickets to the Mets v. Marlins game.

This is also the last season the Mets will play in Shea Stadium. I feel so lucky to have been able to say goodbye to both New York stadiums.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

You Say Potato, I Say Howdy

My coworker friend gave me a gift today. Say 'Hi" to Spud...

Totes made my day.

p.s. This is the view from my office building.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

P.S. I Miss You

Today I can't stop thinking about THIS amazing sister of mine and these two...


and SUPERnate.

I love you.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Case of the Mondays

I've got 'em bad. They are quickly fading away though thanks to this AND this (the best video EVER!). Enjoy.

The Only Person I'll Get Low With

Kerri was in town this weekend!! Here are some highlights...

I can't believe it has been five years since Kerri and I packed up all of our belongings and drove across the country to New York City. We had no jobs, no money and no clue how much fun we were going have. New York seems a little empty without you. Come back soon Kerri! We miss you already!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Goodbye to Yankee Stadium

The smell of hot dogs. dirt. the roar of the crowd..."Let's Go Yankees!". 57,000 fans chanting "DEREK JETER". the hair on my arms stands up. I love the Yankees.

Mikey and I went to the next to last regular season game today. It's the last season the New York Yankees will play in this stadium (tear).

Keeping score and my fingers crossed in hopes that the Yankees win.

AND...THE YANKEES WIN....THHHHEEEEE YANKEES WIN!!! (Final Score: Yankees 1 -Orioles 0)

Goodbye Yankee Stadium.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Said Huh?

Self-Sustainable Chair by Joo Youn Paek.

At first I thought this was a portable toilet (which would be awesome as well as awesomely gross) but it's a dress folks. A dress that turns into a chair. Huh?
I think it's growing on me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Welcome to the Fun House

NYC often reminds me of a house of mirrors...distorting, ever changing, not always at it appears...

Have a good time and good luck finding your way out.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

These Shewz Rule!

I heart my new pink shoes from Nordys...


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Summer o' Weddings

It's been a busy summer full of weddings. Three to be of which was Mike's sister (yay!) and two of which were in the same weekend (pooped!)

Wedding No. 1 -
The Happy Couple: Mike's sister's best friend (got that?), Mike and Jen
Date: August 16, 2008
Location: Glen Manor House in Portsmouth, Rhode Island This place was drop dead gorgeous! I would be happy living in the bathroom of this house.

Jen and her brother.

The beautiful bride.

Don't you just love chandeliers? I do.

Ain't that pretty?

Mike and I enjoying the sunset.

Wedding No. 2 -
The Happy Couple: Paul and Kelly (Mike's sister!)
Date: September 5, 2008
Location: Carlyle on the Green in Long Island

We were so excited for this wedding. I love Mike's family and it was great to see two people that are so fun, amazing and in love get married. Plus, it doesn't get better than dancing the night away to an 11 person band (which included a girl, awesome!). I was too busy shakin' my thang to take any pictures of the band so you'll just have to watch this video of their trombone player who was on the TV show "America's Got Talent".

The stunning bride and groom.

Check out their fabulous getaway car.

They have lots o' friends.

It was a such beautiful day.

Mike and I got all gussied up for the occasion.

Wedding No. 3 -
The Happy Couple: Corey and Michelle
Date: September 6, 2008
Location: Lands End in Long Island

Unfortunately we had horrible weather that day but it didn't seem to phase the bride and groom. They boogied...

and laughed...

and we gave them a big thumbs up...

Congratulations to all of the happy couples!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ta Da!

Here I am. Finally ready to trade my pen and paper for the tapping of a keyboard. Set to organize my thoughts and stories and share them with other curious minds...