Friday, October 31, 2008


Halloween is finally here!!!
You can call me Tits Magee today. Who are you going to be?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What's Cooler Than Being Cool?

Oh, how I miss you warm weather. Come back soon!
For now, I'll just watch this.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Postcard Love

I love postcards. The shiny pictures of far away places. An actual handwritten note. Funny or sweet. They guarantee a smile.

I've always wanted to display the postcards that I have received from friends so that I can enjoy them daily. I've also been wanting to fill this big empty wall in my kitchen. You get it...I filled the big empty wall with my lovely postcards.

I think it looks pretty cute!

p.s. The painting hanging on the left was a sweet gift from my sister (I got her a matching one). It was created by Christine at Duh Buh Du Designs in honor of Nie Nie, whom you can read more about here. It's an amazing story about family and especially about sisters. I love you BS!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Memories of a Good Weekend

I love this chandelier in my apt.
Painting with Mikey (under the beautiful chandelier in my apt.), Boxhead Wine (delicious!), Shopping with Jenna at one of my favorite stores...Target! She bought these awesome shewz. Walking down memory lane with Katherine. Hanging out with good friends. Doing nothing but talking and laughing. Feeling like it's everything. Watchin' this.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Drive and Boogie

Why is it so fun to dance and drive? No need to worry about disturbing the neighbors? Groovin' and movin' at 40 mph? I dunno. May not be safe but it sure is fun.
Have a fabulous weekend!

Me and My Shadow

waiting at the train station.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Show and Tell

fall leaves from central park
will be delivered to your doorstep
very SOON!

Monday, October 20, 2008

You're So Vain, You Probably Think This Blog Is About You

After 7 years of barbie blonde hair I finally went natural!!!
I like it! I like it! I like it! (said while kickin' feet up in air)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Wishing You...

A Wicked Weekend!!

I love watching this and this to get in the Halloween spirit. Only 2 more weeks!

A Bloody Good Time

Last night, Brandi, Laurie and few other brave souls went to Blood Manor, the most frightening haunted house I have ever been to. It's even more scary than old men in speedos...and that's REALLY scary.
(On the Left: noseBreaker Brandi, Middle: Lovely Laurie, Right: Me...peeing my pants)

When you go to a haunted house you can't help but think that one of the characters might have a real weapon or something dangerous might happen. Never did I think that the most dangerous and scary thing there would be BRANDI! She was so crazy scared that she jumped and wacked me in the nose...started running and wacked her boyfriend in the nose. Luckily, all noses are intact and I get a t-shirt out of it. From the noseBreaker herself, Brandi.

It says, "I Survived Blood Manor....With Brandi". Love it!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Whole Lot of Feel Good

I love the soul/electronic-based music of Jamie Lidell. Yet another discovery I can attribute to Jenna and her sensational taste in Music. On Tuesday night, in exchange for the Of Montreal concert, I took Jenna to see Jamie Lidell at Highline Ballroom. He was AMAZING!! uh-maze-eng!!

He got the crowd movin' and even remixed his own material on stage. Shhh...don't tell Mikey but I think I have a crush. This guy is seriously talented.

He can even pull off wearing pointy suade shoes...*sigh*

I had to leave early to catch a train. So, after the concert Jenna jumped on stage and snatched the set list for me. That's what true friends are for!!

(photo courtesy of

Now, take a listen and prepare to develop your own crush. He's contagious....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Perfect Day

In my opinion, October is the best month of the year. Halloween, pumpkin carving, apple cider, fall colors, perfect weather. It just doesn't get better...until now.

Our friends, Brett and Lauren invited us on a day trip to Riverhead, New York for some apple picking and wine. Being from Arizona, apple picking was something people did in movies. I had only hoped that someday I would actually get to do a little pickin' myself. So, this Saturday the four of us set out to Wickham Farms where we boarded a tractor...

and happily found ourselves in a beautiful apple orchard!

Mikey led us on our quest for the perfect apple.

Just like the movies ;)

Halfway through our picking adventure we all got a little hungry...

I couldn't get over how random and beautiful this tree was amongst the apple trees.

Our pickins'.

Next, it was on to Krupski Pumpkin Farm to check out the haunted corn maze and pumpkin patch.

The maze didn't seem very scary until...

this skeleton popped out at us and chased us out of the maze...

and into the pumpkin patch.

Once we all picked out our favorite pumpkins it was time for some wine and snacks.

The perfect end to a perfect day.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Bizarre Celebration

A little over a year ago, Jenna (master of the mix-cd) shook up my world with a CD so good I began to question my beloved hip hop. It was impossible not to smile and want to dance while listening to this CD. Just a little electronica, a pinch of pop, and a dash of disco is all it took to make me a huge fan of OF MONTREAL. So on Friday, Jenna and I went to Roseland Ballroom to open our eyes and ears to this quirky band that defies conventions.

The band members all have their own crazy style and personality. I love this chick's tutu!

At one point, the lead singer came out on a white horse. A LIVE white horse!

Oh, and he wasn't wearing much. Just a pair of hot pants.

During one song, the lead singer came out dressed as a Centaur and another man as a Satyr. They played out a battle for the attention of two woman dressed like they were from the 1800s. This turned into a weird scene that caused Jenna and I to look at each other and say, "HUH"? I was too busy picking my jaw up off the floor to take a picture. So you'll just have to imagine the scene. I'll just tell you that fruit was involved.

There were some very interesting characters dancing around.

Every song made you want to sing along...

and boogie.

After the show, my body felt like I had done an extreme workout (a good one though!). I had a crazy fun time and I cannot thank Jenna enough for introducing me to this amazing band!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

I'm in a good mood today. Here's Why:

1. Only 77 days until I get to chill with the family for a month. WOOHOO!
2. Of Montreal concert on Friday (listen to "Gronlandic Edit"'s the perfect walking song).
3. Apple Picking, pumpkin picking and vineyards this weekend. A dream come true for this Arizona girl.
4. I somehow convinced Mikey to make his famous spicy turkey lasagna on Sunday. lip-smackin' good!
5. This apartment. I'm convinced my computer is going to ask me if I have a staring problem.

With all this good stuff I just want to...

(photos: 1. Kerri and I in Ocean Beach, San Diego, 2. The Colosseum in Rome, Italy, 3. Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Mosaico de mí

01. Shannon, 02. The world expressed as only Huichols can, 03. FredWLoring 1871, 04. Sunny Side Up, 05. Johnny Depp, 06. I'd rather have coffee first, 07. My secret blue paradise, 08. Sweetie Pie, 09. Spectacle de danse à Bastille le 6 mai 2007, 10. Love XOXO, 11. Working Late, 12. Lemon Love Affair

My camera charger has gone missing (sniff sniff). I found this on Ali+Curtis and thought it would be a fun activity while I await the arrival of my new charger. It's a mosaic of all things Shannon.

First you answer these twelve questions. My answers are in parentheses.

01. What is your first name? (Shannon)
02. What is your favorite food? (Mexican)
03. What high school did you attend? (Mohave High School)
04. What is your favorite color? (pink)
05. Who is your celebrity crush? (Johnny Depp)
06. Favorite drink? (coffee)
07. Dream vacation? (Thailand)
08. Favorite dessert? (cupcakes)
09. What do you want to be when you grow up? (backup dancer)
10. What do you love most in life? (family)
11. One word to describe you (tall)
12. Your Flickr name (lemonsinmybra)

Second, you type your answers one by one into Flickr's search function. You choose your favorite photo for each of your answers and build a mosaic based on your photo choice. Get the details here.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Some Like it Hot


The Salted Caramel Signature Hot Chocolate at Starbucks.

Holy hot chocolate! It's delicious. Thank you to the barista that handed me a tester cup of this treat this morning. It made my belly dance.

Now I just have to figure out a way to work this 500 calorie treat into my diet.