Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

I'm in a good mood today. Here's Why:

1. Only 77 days until I get to chill with the family for a month. WOOHOO!
2. Of Montreal concert on Friday (listen to "Gronlandic Edit"'s the perfect walking song).
3. Apple Picking, pumpkin picking and vineyards this weekend. A dream come true for this Arizona girl.
4. I somehow convinced Mikey to make his famous spicy turkey lasagna on Sunday. lip-smackin' good!
5. This apartment. I'm convinced my computer is going to ask me if I have a staring problem.

With all this good stuff I just want to...

(photos: 1. Kerri and I in Ocean Beach, San Diego, 2. The Colosseum in Rome, Italy, 3. Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy)


Loraine said...

your JUMP pictures are my favorite!

only 77 days... :-)

I loves you.

Loraine said...

-- oh and next time we're in town could Mikey make lasagna for us??? YUM!

-- apple picking, vineyards, pumpkin picking... you east coast people are SO LUCKY!!!

Mardean said...

What fun, it sounds like fall there.I will jump for joy when you get out to the west; we are looking forward to seeing you and having some fun! I will need some fun after I get through with the next two months. More layoffs and more hours to work, I think if they could find 27 hours in a day, we would be working it!
have a great weekend, love to you both! MOM

Brandi Laine said...

You'll LOVE apple picking! I went a couple of years ago and had the best time! Rob and I are planning a hiking trip within the next few weeks to see the foliage. We're waiting for the peak season. I've been tracking it with this website:

Think next weekend will be the best time for just right outside of the city. Maybe you guys can join us? Let me know if you're interested. xoxox