Monday, April 27, 2009

Bring on the Sun.

this. weekend. was. beautiful!

Lucky for me, the stunning and hilarious Morgan,
invited me to her house in Oceanside, NY.
We soaked up the sun, caught up on life and watched boats drift by her back porch {nice}.
Since it was my first time in Oceanside, she decided to show me around.
We headed to "The Nautical Mile" in the neighboring town of Freeport.
A mile of seafood heaven.

We ate at Bracco's Clam & Oyster Bar.
And this...

was the BEST crabcake sandwich I have EVER eaten. ever.


Mardean said...

Not fair! I'm glad you had a good time and good eats! Dad told me about the oysters.
This is a great food shot, they are hard to get.
Love, Mom

Loraine said...

Morgan, you look sooo pretty. :-) loraine