Monday, September 29, 2008

Have A Chance Walk

On Sunday, M and I got together with his parents, sister and new bro-in-law to participate in the "Have a Chance Walk to Fight Brain Tumors". We walked in support of our friend, Mike who is currently on a mission to beat his brain cancer.

It was a cloudy and rainy day. I hate to admit it but I actually said, "I'm so glad it's not sunny today". gasp! It really was nice to walk through the rain.

I was excited because the walk took us through lower Manhattan. My internal tourist came out and I couldn't resist taking a picture of this lovely lady.

A wild turkey in Battery Park. Umm...random.

Brooklyn Bridge in the distance.

The wet cobblestone street reminded me of when my sister, niece and nephew were here. We spent a lot of time puddle jumping on these streets.

Walking for this cause was an amazing experience. Seeing thousands of people supporting their loved ones and seeing brain tumor survivors, made walking through the rain all the more worthwhile.


Brandi Laine said...

Kudos to you for walking and kudos for taking such awesome photos!!

P.S. You should have taken the turkey with you! Thanksgiving is just around the corner! :)

Loraine said...

I am super proud of you... and the pictures make me HOMESICK for New York.

Thank you for taking pictures of the cobblestone streets. They are a perfect reminder of our bootlegging ~ dancing in the subway ~ dead people ~ soaking wet ~ puddle jumping ~ extra cherries ~ fireworks in the rain ~ puking in the cab wit a perfect view of the Brooklyn Bridge ~ perfect day!!!